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We Are Majestic Banner!

Majestic Marketing

We Are Majestic.

You've heard it from us again and again and it feels more genuine now than ever before. Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, our community has amazed us with their resolve. Against all odds, they've stepped up to keep theatre alive. They've worked hard to keep our promise to the Corvallis community to provide consistent entertainment, no matter the situation.

To recognize their efforts, we've created a banner that showcases some of the faces that have graced our virtual stage during the stay at home order. We encourage members of our community to use this banner image on any and all social media platforms! Here's a link to the full high-resolution image! Right click on the image and save as to save it to your computer.

The Majestic will always be here and our volunteers will always be amazing.


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The Majestic Theatre is a branch of the City of Corvallis Parks and Recreation Department, dedicated to bringing a wide range of artistic productions and arts education programs to the citizens of Corvallis.

Contact Us

115 SW 2nd St, Corvallis OR 97333

Business Office: 541-758-7827 
Box Office and Ticket Sales: 541-738-7469

Administrative Staff Office Hours
12 PM to 5 PM, Wednesday – Friday

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