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The Majestic Youth Skit Series Returns in August!

Majestic Marketing

Updated: Dec 10, 2020

Trying to keep entertained and beat the summer sun?

Even though we can’t meet right now in person, we’re bringing back our Majestic Youth Skit Series for the month of August, so kids can keep enjoying theater this summer. Any minor (K-12th) is able to sign up and we'll tailor a skit to their ages!

We will send your family a short skit script based on your interests. A staff member will meet with you virtually after the script is sent to hear your ideas and help you produce the skit. Use your imagination - your players could be stuffed animals, paper dolls, sock puppets, or even others in your house!

Come up with your own costumes and props, practice it, shoot a video on your phone or computer, and send it to us. We will review it, suggest changes, and post it to our Facebook page and website for you to enjoy!

If you are interested, please fill out the form here:

Also, look out for upcoming workshops and classes in September and October!

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The Majestic Theatre is a branch of the City of Corvallis Parks and Recreation Department, dedicated to bringing a wide range of artistic productions and arts education programs to the citizens of Corvallis.

Contact Us

115 SW 2nd St, Corvallis OR 97333

Business Office: 541-758-7827 
Box Office and Ticket Sales: 541-738-7469

Administrative Staff Office Hours
12 PM to 5 PM, Wednesday – Friday

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