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Open Call for Artists: Rhythm & Motion

Majestic Marketing

Call for Submissions:

rhythm ˈriT͟Həm/

noun a strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound. Synonyms: pattern, flow, tempo “The rhythm of daily life” The systematic arrangement of musical sounds, principally according to duration and periodic stress. Synonyms: beat, cadence, time, pulse, throb, swing

mo·tion ˈmōSH(ə)n/

noun The action or process of moving or being moved. Synonyms: movement, moving, locomotion, rise and fall, shifting. “The laws of planetary motion”

Inspired by our beloved local dance organizations, this June the Majestic Theatre will play host to a community art exhibit centered on the principles of rhythm and motion. There are a lot of different ways to interpret these elements into visual art, and we welcome all artists of the Corvallis community to participate in this exhibit. If you are interested in creating a piece for this show, please e-mail Gabriela Oh and Lauren Daisley at

Rhythm & Motion Submission Requirements The Majestic Theatre is holding a series of community art shows centered on various themes throughout the year. We invite local artists and members of the community to drop off one work of art to be hung in our South Lobby Gallery as part of our shows. There is no entry fee or jury process. Simply bring an original work that meets the requirements below and we will hang your piece.

• Artwork must be 100% ready to hang or display with appropriate hanging mechanism. We do not frame artwork. • Artwork must not exceed 24 inches in any direction or 15 pounds. • Artwork must be dropped off and picked up during the designated times. We do not store artwork. • Artwork must be accompanied by a completed submission form. • Artwork must be relevant to the theme. For our Rhythm & Motion show, we are only accepting works that are visual illustrations or representations of rhythm, motion, movement, dance, pattern and/or beat.

Due to our limited gallery space, we will only be able to accommodate between 15-20 pieces per show, so space in the show will be based on a first come basis. Please contact Gabriela Oh and Lauren Daisley at if you have any questions about the requirements.

Artwork Submission Form

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The Majestic Theatre is a branch of the City of Corvallis Parks and Recreation Department, dedicated to bringing a wide range of artistic productions and arts education programs to the citizens of Corvallis.

Contact Us

115 SW 2nd St, Corvallis OR 97333

Business Office: 541-758-7827 
Box Office and Ticket Sales: 541-738-7469

Administrative Staff Office Hours
12 PM to 5 PM, Wednesday – Friday

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