The Thin Place
By Lucas Hnath
Directed by Jack Thomas
Open Auditions: WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, April 12 & 13
Rehearsal Timeframe: TBD
Evening Performances: May 20, 2023
Matinee Performances: May 21, 2023
Content Label: PG-13
The Majestic Theatre (a division of the City of Corvallis Parks and Recreation department) is committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion and to creating a safe place for actors of all backgrounds to explore their craft. We are particularly eager to work with artists of color and other artists from marginalized communities. All auditions are free and open to the public. This audition is for an amateur, volunteer production. The Majestic Theatre staff and volunteers do not discriminate on the basis of age, national origin, race, gender, ethnic background, ability, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or any protected class.
Auditions will be held in person at The Majestic Theatre. If you’d like to pre-fill out an audition form, you can download it here and bring it with you to the audition. Otherwise, forms will be available at the audition.
A headshot will be requested to be posted with the cast list.
The Thin Place is the story of two women, Hilda and Linda. Linda communicates, professionally, with the dead, who are still here, just in a different part of here, in the "thin place." She can make those who believe hear them, offering them peace and closure and meaning. Hilda, a keen listener and observer who’s grappling with loss, takes a great interest in Linda’s abilities. She befriends the veteran medium, seeking answers that lie across the fragile boundary between our world and the other one.
Death is certain for us all, and that is something that links every single human together. When we grieve, we find community, we search for answers, and we never like the answer that is so commonly given to us, “because that's just the way of life.” I invite you to become a part of this intimate show that delves into the reality of grief, and what even a spark of hope can do for our healing. Come join this creative collaboration and artistic show!
You do NOT need to prepare a monologue or piece.
Wear comfortable clothes to audition; no heavy movement is needed for your audition.
All characters do not have a specific race or ethnic background; we're excited to see a diverse pool of actors audition for all roles. The ages listed are those of the characters themselves, we welcome and encourage actors of all ages to come and be a part of this production!
Character Age: 50+
Character Race: Any
Character Ethnicity: Any
Character Gender: Female
Desired Actor Gender: Feminine presenting
Ability/movement: No heavy movement, must be able to do a British Accent.
Line Burden: Heavy
Character: A British immigrant and a Medium. She speaks with the dead for a living. Linda is a force of nature with a spicy attitude and a gruff personality.
Character Age: 20+
Character Race: Any
Character Ethnicity: Any
Character Gender: Female
Desired Actor Gender: Feminine presenting
Ability/movement: No heavy movement needed.
Line Burden: Heavy
Character: Hilda is a young woman who is struggling deeply with grief. She is an avid believer in the services that Linda provides, and she wants to learn how Linda does it.
Character Age: 30+
Character Race: Any
Character Ethnicity: Any
Character Gender: Female
Desired Actor Gender: Feminine presenting
Ability/movement: No heavy movement needed.
Line Burden: Light
Character: Sylvia is a wealthy benefactress to Linda. She is Linda’s dear friend who has supported her financially for years (maybe decades). She is strong willed and is not afraid to speak her mind.
Character Age: 30+
Character Race: Any
Character Ethnicity: Any
Character Gender: Male
Desired Actor Gender: Masculine presenting
Ability/movement: No heavy movement needed.
Line Burden: Light
Character: Jerry is a well traveled political campaign worker. He is a bit pompous and hard headed, but means well. His relationship with Linda and Sylvia goes back years.
We hope to see you there!