William Shakespeare’s Wars of the Roses
By William Shakespeare
Adapted and directed by Rachel Kohler
Open Auditions: May 23 & 24, 2022 7:00-9:00pm
Callbacks: May 25, 2022 7:00pm
First Cast Meeting: June 8, 2022 6:00pm
Rehearsal Timeframe: July 25 – September 15, 2022
Evening Performances (7:30pm): September 16, 17, 23, 24
Matinee Performances (2:30pm): September 18, 25
Vaccine verification and masks required to audition.
The Majestic Theatre (a division of the City of Corvallis Parks and Recreation department) is committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion and to creating a safe place for actors of all backgrounds to explore their craft. We are particularly eager to work with artists of color and other artists from marginalized communities. All auditions are free and open to the public. This audition is for an amateur, volunteer production. The Majestic Theatre staff and volunteers do not discriminate on the basis of age, national origin, race, gender, ethnic background, ability, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or any protected class.
The Majestic Theatre COVID-19 risk mitigation policies will be in place for all auditions, rehearsals, and performances. For more information on the current policy, go to majestic.org/covid-precautions
Auditions will be held in person at the Majestic Theatre. Video auditions are available, see below under Preparation Notes. A headshot will be requested to be posted with the cast list.
Henry VI of the House of Lancaster, King of England, sits precariously on his throne. Crowned when he was just nine months old, he has grown into a weak and unsuitable leader, surrounded by a rapacious aristocracy and riotous factions vying for supremacy within his government. Henry VI’s father, the brilliant general Henry V, won control of large areas of France some years ago, but the empire is crumbling under Henry VI’s mismanagement. After the young king impulsively marries the clever and strong-willed Margaret of Anjou, her scheming presence at court tips the balance of grumbling factions towards an all-out civil war. When the ambitious Richard, Duke of York, takes this opportunity to press a claim to the throne, everyone must pick a side -- Lancaster or York, the Red Rose or the White.
William Shakespeare’s earliest plays were more like blockbuster action movies than high art, full of violence, supernatural elements, and literal buckets of blood. This brand-new conflated adaptation of all three of Shakespeare’s Henry VI plays takes all of that excitement and turns it up to 11, pairing Shakespeare’s soaring verse with soaring electric guitars and telling the epic story of England’s Wars of the Roses with some epic heavy metal. Come and rock out with a huge ensemble cast. Fight with swords! Summon demons! Eviscerate your enemies with scathing Shakespearean insults! Die a dramatic onstage death (possibly more than once)! The only thing that’s going to be more exciting than watching this play is being in this play, so don’t miss your chance to audition.
You do NOT need to prepare a monologue or piece. Wear comfortable clothes to audition. Be ready to move (within your comfortable ability to do so), collaborate with others, and make bold choices.
Video Auditions: You may submit a video audition. Please record a video on your phone or computer of you performing one of the sides found at this link and email it to warsoftheroses2022@gmail.com by 5PM on May 23, 2022. Please attach your audition form to the email. Feel free to include what role you’re interested in within the body of the email. Also, if you have one, please attach a headshot image to your audition email. It doesn’t need to be a professional headshot; any clear image of your face will do wonderfully.
If you have any questions, feel free to email warsoftheroses2022@gmail.com and ask!
All characters do not have a specific race or ethnic background, and most do not have a specific gender identity, so we're excited to see a diverse pool of actors audition for all roles.
Shakespeare’s history plays always take wide liberties with facts and compress timelines for dramatic effect. A single-play adaptation of three history plays must by necessity exacerbate this. Looking at the actual historical record, this adaptation covers the sweep of over thirty years. There’s a time jump of over a decade between the first and second acts, and the ages of the characters are therefore very nebulous. There are three children in the play, but they will be played by adult actors.
For roles flagged with “Any” gender, once cast, actors will have the opportunity to choose their character’s gender presentation, and if they prefer, the pronouns in the script will be updated to reflect this choice. Names will not be changed. (Which will not be as confusing as one might think, since characters are almost exclusively referred to in the text by titles and last names rather than their socially gendered first names.)
Shakespeare’s history plays also have remarkably huge casts and are designed for extensive doubling of roles. While many roles will be doubled, actors will have the option to indicate that they would only like to be cast in a single small role if that is their preference. There are around 40 characters. We are aiming for a cast of 22-28 performers, with some actors cast in multiple smaller roles and in the ensemble.
Margaret of Anjou, later Queen of England
Character Age: 20+
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Female-identifying.
Ability/movement: Ability to climb stairs and perform light stage combat.
Actor Doubling: No
Line Burden: Heavy
KING HENRY’s smart, fierce, and strong-willed wife, ambitious, ruthless, and ready to take up a sword. Too much for HENRY to handle. Has an affair with SUFFOLK. Cheerfully murders defeated enemies.
King Henry VI of England
Character Age: 18+
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Male-identifying.
Ability/movement: Any.
Actor Doubling: No.
Line Burden: Heavy
A young and too-gentle king. Pious and kind, but honestly kind of a weenie. Gets pushed around by literally everyone, especially MARGARET. Utterly unsuited to being King.
William de la Pole, Earl (later Duke) of Suffolk (pronounced SUHF-uhck)
Character Age: 35+
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Any, but leaning towards casting a female-identifying actor in this role.
Ability/movement: Ability to climb stairs and participate in heavy stage combat.
Actor Doubling: Possible.
Line Burden: Heavy
A fierce soldier and an ambitious politician. Served the previous king. In love with MARGARET at first sight. Seeks to control HENRY through MARGARET to become, in essence, a shadow king.
Edmund Beaufort, Duke of Somerset (pronounced SUHM-er-set)
Character Age: 35+
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Any.
Ability/movement: Ability to climb stairs and participate in heavy stage combat.
Actor Doubling: Possible.
Line Burden: Heavy
A terrible general and staunch Lancastrian. Descended from a prince with a claim to the throne, but for complicated genealogical and legal reasons unable to inherit it. Hates YORK because YORK has way more money and a better claim to the throne.
Humphrey Stafford, Duke of Buckingham (pronounced BUHK-ing-uhm)
Character Age: 40+
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Any.
Ability/movement: Ability to participate in heavy stage combat.
Actor Doubling: Yes.
Line Burden: Medium
A grizzled warrior who served with KING HENRY’s father. A distant cousin to KING HENRY. Dislikes WARWICK immensely. (In this adaptation, BUCKINGHAM has been conflated with John Clifford, Baron de Clifford, the parent of Thomas CLIFFORD, a fierce young warrior. So we’re pretending that BUCKINGHAM is CLIFFORD’s parent.)
Henry Holland, Duke of Exeter (pronounced EHK-si-ter)
Character Age: 20+
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Any.
Ability/movement: Any.
Actor Doubling: No.
Line Burden: Light
A loyal and steadfast Lancastrian of few words. A staunch supporter of KING HENRY and one of his distant cousins. A commander in HENRY’s armies. Seems pretty chill in the play, but the historical Exeter was apparently such a huge jerk that they were specifically called out as such in primary sources from the period.
Thomas Clifford, Baron de Clifford (pronounced KLIF-erd)
Character Age: 20+
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Any.
Ability/movement: Ability to participate in heavy stage combat.
Actor Doubling: Probable.
Line Burden: Medium
A fearsome warrior with a short temper and a penchant for vengeance. On the side of the Lancastrians and (at least in this adaptation), child of the Duke of BUCKINGHAM, so an even more distant cousin of the king.
Prince Edward
Character Age: 12-17 (played by an actor 18-25)
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Any.
Ability/movement: Ability to climb stairs and participate in light stage combat.
Actor Doubling: Probable.
Line Burden: Medium
The only child of KING HENRY and MARGARET. Rumors abound that EDWARD is the product of an affair, but HENRY never doubts the child’s legitimacy. A blood-thirsty little prince. Excited to go to war and sever some heads. Think Jeoffrey from Game of Thrones.
Character Age: 18+
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Any.
Ability/movement: Ability to participate in light stage combat.
Actor Doubling: Yes
Line Burden: Light
Retainer to the Duke of SOMERSET. Loyal to the point of quarrelsomeness.
Elizabeth Woodville, the Lady Gray, later Queen of England
Character Age: 20+
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Female-identifying.
Ability/movement: Any.
Actor Doubling: Probable.
Line Burden: Medium
The widow of Sir John Gray, a Lancastrian. Values her honor and is willing to defend at all costs. Quick-witted and alluring because of it.
Edward Plantagenet, later King Edward IV of England
Character Age: 20-35
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Male-identifying.
Ability/movement: Ability to participate in light stage combat.
Actor Doubling: Possible.
Line Burden: Heavy
The eldest son of Richard, Duke of YORK. A tad less hot-headed than his two younger adult brothers, RICHARD and GEORGE, but just as mercurial. A notorious philanderer, but a much better king than HENRY.
Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York
Character Age: 40+
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Any, but leaning towards casting a male-identifying actor in this role.
Ability/movement: Ability to participate in heavy stage combat.
Actor Doubling: No.
Line Burden: Heavy
An ambitious and ruthless warrior. Pursues an actually very legitimate claim to the throne at any cost. Dotes on family. Would have been a much better king than HENRY, except for the whole getting murdered thing.
Richard Neville, Jr., Earl of Warwick (pronounced WAH-rik)
Character Age: 25+
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Any.
Ability/movement: Ability to participate in light stage combat.
Actor Doubling: No.
Line Burden: Heavy
One of the richest and most influential peers of the English court. Like SO, SO rich. Instrumental in the deposition of two kings, HENRY VI and EDWARD IV by turns, so carries the epithet “the Kingmaker,” which is objectively badass. A canny politician. Doesn’t take kindly to being betrayed. A Yorkist for personal gain rather than loyalty to the cause.
Richard Neville, Sr., Earl of Salisbury (pronounced SAWLZ-buh-ree, often scans to
Character Age: 45+
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Any.
Ability/movement: Any.
Actor Doubling: Yes
Line Burden: Light
WARWICK’s parent, who served KING HENRY’s father as a Warden protecting the Scottish border. A venerable general and member of the peerage. Firmly Yorkist.
Richard Plantagenet, Jr., later Duke of Gloucester
Character Age: 20+
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Any.
Ability/movement: It would be awesome to see a person in a wheelchair in this role, though with enough upper-body mobility to wield a sword. The fight choreographer has indicated his willingness to create combat sequences with an actor in a wheelchair. This is not texually mandated in this adaptation, however, as Richard’s undefined “disability,” such a central element of Shakespeare’s later play Richard III, is not mentioned in our text. What we will not do is cast an able-bodied actor and have them pretend a disability, and we do not wish to see anything of the sort in auditions.
Actor Doubling: No
Line Burden: Heavy
Child of Richard, Duke of YORK. Younger sibling to EDWARD and GEORGE and older sibling to RUTLAND. Definitely the most violent member of the family. Seems to enjoy the act of war (at one point waving around a severed head just for funsies). Outwardly supports the family, but secretly scheming to take the crown. (You’ll have to read Shakespeare’s Richard III to see how that shakes out.)
George Plantagenet, later Duke of Clarence
Character Age: 20+
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Any.
Ability/movement: Ability to climb stairs and participate in light stage combat.
Actor Doubling: Possible
Line Burden: Medium
The second child of Richard, Duke of YORK. Selfish and a bit sassy. Happy to betray family for personal gain, and happy to come crawling back to the fold when it seems advantageous to do so.
Edmund Plantagenet, Earl of Rutland (pronounced RUHT-luhnd)
Character Age: 12-17 (played by an actor 18-25)
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Any.
Ability/movement: Ability to participate in light stage combat.
Actor Doubling: Yes
Line Burden: Light
The youngest child of Richard, Duke of YORK. Doted upon by the rest of the family. Dies tragically, murdered by CLIFFORD.
Character Age: 18+
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Any.
Ability/movement: Ability to participate in light stage combat.
Actor Doubling: Yes
Line Burden: Light
Retainer to the Duke of YORK. Loyal to the point of quarrelsomeness.
Eleanor, Duchess of Gloucester (pronounced GLOSS-ter)
Character Age: 40+
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Female-identifying.
Ability/movement: Ability to kneel and participate in some simple dance choreography.
Actor Doubling: Probable.
Line Burden: Medium
In many ways, a proto-Lady Macbeth. Can’t convince her spouse GLOUCESTER to press a claim to the throne, so takes matters into her own hands and summons a demon. Convicted of witchcraft and banished.
Lady Bona of France
Character Age: 18-25
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Female-identifying.
Ability/movement: Any.
Actor Doubling: Yes.
Line Burden: Light
A proud Princess of France. Not above encouraging a little bloodshed when slighted.
Joan de la Pucelle, also called Joan of Arc
Character Age: 15-18 (played by an actor 18-25)
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Female-identifying or non-binary. (Joan as a character, though, will use she/her pronouns, as this is an important element in how other characters perceive her.)
Ability/movement: Ability to participate in heavy stage combat.
Actor Doubling: Yes.
Line Burden: Light
Badass lady general of the French. A peasant girl with visions that encouraged her to take up arms against the English invaders. A divine warrior. Inspires the French to throw off their oppressors before meeting a tragic end.
King Louis XI of France
Character Age: 20+
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Male-identifying.
Ability/movement: Any.
Actor Doubling: Yes.
Line Burden: Light
A canny king, called “the Spider” by contemporary chroniclers for his complex political webs. Supports MARGARET for his own ends.
John Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury and Waterford (pronounced TAWL-buht)
Character Age: 45+
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Male-identifying.
Ability/movement: Ability to participate in heavy stage combat.
Actor Doubling: Yes.
Line Burden: Light
The most feared of the English generals. Interested in little more than the honorable defeat of the French. Thoroughly fed up with the Lancastrian and Yorkist infighting that undermines the war effort.
Humphrey Plantagenet, Duke of Gloucester (pronounced GLOSS-ter)
Character Age: 45+
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Any.
Ability/movement: Any.
Actor Doubling: Possible
Line Burden: Heavy
Called “Good Duke Humphrey” by the common people for an affable manner. HENRY’s uncle. Serves as Protector during the king’s minority. Until HENRY has a child, next in line to the throne. A practical and grounded sort of politician with little patience for machinations. Opposed by Lancastrians and Yorkists alike, as a threat to their own control over HENRY.
Sir John Lucy, Sheriff of Warwickshire
Character Age: 20+
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Any.
Ability/movement: Ability to kneel.
Actor Doubling: Yes
Line Burden: Light
Serves TALBOT in the French wars. Has no patience for Lancastrian and Yorkist BS.
Walter Whitmore
Character Age: 20+
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Any.
Ability/movement: Ability to perform heavy stage combat.
Actor Doubling: Yes
Line Burden: Light
A blood-thirsty pirate who hates adultery.
Character Age: Immortal (to be played by an actor of any age)
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Any.
Ability/movement: Strong preference for a dancer or a burlesque performer who might be willing to create their own choreography for a demon-summoning sequence
Actor Doubling: Yes
Line Burden: Very light
A demon summoned by ELEANOR to answer questions about the king and his allies.
The Bard
Character Age: Immortal (to be played by an actor of any age)
Character Race: Any.
Character Ethnicity: Any.
Desired Actor Gender: Any.
Ability/movement: Ability to climb stairs and play the guitar (or very credibly fake playing the guitar).
Actor Doubling: Possible
Line Burden: None
Essentially this production’s fiddler on the roof. Will (in theory) play along with the sweet metal via wireless amp during act overtures, set piece sequences, certain important battles, and the curtain call.
Plus...various small ensemble roles including soldiers, armorers, extra demons, petitioners, common people, and divers others. Many ensemble roles involve stage combat.