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Majestic Play Reading Committee & 19-20 Proposal Season

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Majestic Volunteers & Patrons,

It’s time for proposal season to kick off! Our proposal process for the 2019-2020 season begins with the selection of our Play Reading Committee. From over a dozen applicants, seven were chosen to fill the committee based upon their experience with aspects of theatrical production, their representation of demographics in our community, and traits that were asked for by the volunteers who formed our new proposal concept last Spring. The play reading committee for the 2019-2020 Majestic Mainstage Theatre season are: Michael Winder, Oriana Mulatero, Rachel Kohler, Dorrie Board, Pat Leathrum, Rus Roberts, and Brian Schneider. Michael Winder will serve as the chair for the committee.

These intrepid volunteers will spend the next five months reading plays, speaking with directors, consulting with myself, and in October will announce the season that they have chosen from the proposed shows. The community will have a chance to submit feedback on the shows beginning in late July once the proposal deadline is reached and the shows that have been propose announced.

The slots for the 2019-2020 Majestic Theatre mainstage season are:

Fall 2019 Mainstage Play Performance Dates: 6 performances September 27 through October 6th, 2019

Fall 2019 Mainstage Musical Performance Dates: 11+ performances November 1st through November 17th, 2019 Note: Large Musicals Will Receive Preference (20+ Cast)

Winter 2020 Mainstage Classic/Modern Play Performance Dates: 6 performances January 31st through February 9th, 2020 Classic/Modern Slot Definition: Plays published prior to 1960; from Aeschylus to Albee. Will accept good arguments for plays published up until 1980 as being modernist in the form of a scholarly paper in the 8-10 page range with a minimum of five sources. 🙂

Spring 2020 Mainstage Play – 1st Timer Slot Performance Dates: 6 performances April 3rd through April 112th, 2020 Only directors who have not yet directed a Majestic mainstage production may propose for this slot. Those directors who have not yet satisfied the previous Majestic Senior Team member requirement for the usual proposal process may apply for permission to propose shows for this slot. Theater Supervisor Jimbo Ivy will review director’s experience and references and make a determination as to their ability to propose.

Spring 2020 Mainstage Musical Performance Dates: 11+ performances May 1st through May 17th, 2020 Note: Large Musicals Will Receive Preference (20+ Cast)

As you can see we’re changing things up again this season by having a slot just for new folks and allowing folks who haven’t yet filled a senior crew member position on a previous Majestic show to apply for the 1st Timer Slot in April. This is just another way to encourage new folks to take the plunge of directing, and limiting it to just one show allows us to only need to put in the extra supervision effort once per season.

So, how do you start your proposal? It’s easy!

Just email me at and tell me that you’re interested in proposing and I’ll set a meeting with you. Don’t get scared, don’t prepare too much unless you really want to. Essentially, we will meet so that I can walk you through the process and get you our Production Handbook so that you can make the best proposal possible. But do it as soon as you know you want to propose a show. The deadline for submitting a proposal for the 2019-2020 season is July 22nd, 2018. The season will be announced mid-October 2018.

There are only two primary restrictions on who is eligible to submit a proposal:

  1. You cannot submit if your partner, spouse, or direct family member is on the Play Reading Committee.

  2. You must have extensive experience with the spaces, systems, and production process at the Majestic Theatre post January 2015. The most common way to have this is that you have either directed a show here or have filled a senior crew role on a production, such as stage manager or assistant director since January 2015. Eligibility is determined by Theatre Supervisor Jimbo Ivy. The April 2020 1st Timer Slot is obviously an exception to this rule.

You can propose for more than one slot, or more than one show per slot, but you are limited to three proposals total and in the end only one of your proposals will be accepted for the season. We are also working with other area theaters to ensure that our volunteers aren’t wasting their time and efforts by pursing shows that another venue is already planning on, so I will let you know if a show you are thinking about proposing is already spoken for at another theater. We’re all one community, after all, sharing the same folks and resources, so there’s no need for our volunteers to waste their time and energy on a show that will ultimately be unavailable for us to pursue.

We’re excited to begin our the proposal season for the 19-20 season with our new play reading committee! Thanks in advance to these fine folks for all the time they’ll be spending in meetings and reading plays and thanks to all of the amazing volunteer directors who will be proposing!


Jimbo Ivy

Theatre Supervisor, Corvallis Parks and Recreation

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The Majestic Theatre is a branch of the City of Corvallis Parks and Recreation Department, dedicated to bringing a wide range of artistic productions and arts education programs to the citizens of Corvallis.

Contact Us

115 SW 2nd St, Corvallis OR 97333

Business Office: 541-758-7827 
Box Office and Ticket Sales: 541-738-7469

Administrative Staff Office Hours
12 PM to 5 PM, Wednesday – Friday

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