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Majestic Madness

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What is Majestic Madness? In short, it’s a quarterly community building and entertainment event designed to inspire folks to jump into writing and acting for theatre.

How? Well, we beg local writers (or want to be writers) to pen short 8-10 page sketches around a prompt. They send their plays to the folks here at the Majestic the day before and we print off a copy for each character in the show.

The night of the show, writer, actors, and patrons show up at the theatre at the appointed time and our host jumps up on stage, explains the rules, and then randomly selects the first sketch of the evening. They then ask audience members to fill all the parts in the show by reading off the character descriptions and asking for volunteers, who jump up on stage. Then, they do the play. And on to the next one!

Usually, these sketches are funny, but serious pieces are welcome as well, but should be labeled as such.

Our goal is to get folks who may secretly be wishing they could WRITE a little show and have folks perform it, but haven’t written a full show yet or are scared of the commitment, to try it out. The same is true for ACTORS who can’t commit to a show, or are scared.

Think of it as a karaoke-ish form of theatre. If you flop, no biggie, you’re offstage in five minutes and can laugh it off.

But what if you’re great!? What if your play (or acting) is lauded by all and finally realize YOU CAN DO THIS!

Well, that’s how we hope it goes.

At the same time, you’ll get to know other actors, writers, and theatrefolk. WIN WIN WIN.

So come on out for MAJESTIC MADNESS!

Email for the writing prompt or for more information.

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The Majestic Theatre is a branch of the City of Corvallis Parks and Recreation Department, dedicated to bringing a wide range of artistic productions and arts education programs to the citizens of Corvallis.

Contact Us

115 SW 2nd St, Corvallis OR 97333

Business Office: 541-758-7827 
Box Office and Ticket Sales: 541-738-7469

Administrative Staff Office Hours
12 PM to 5 PM, Wednesday – Friday

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