Congratulations to the cast of The Lion King Jr.! We can't wait to see this incredible cast perform.
Scar: Annika Wiens
Mufasa: Vivienne Conrad
Young Simba: Neil Yeh-Crawford
Young Nala: Marisol Eschwey
Nala: Winter Tominey
Simba: Jax Kalberer
Pumbaa: Sophie Kunecka
Timon: Eila Howe
Zazu: Freya Harte
Rafiki: Kezie Hirsch
Sarabi: Cleo Sandler
Sarafina: Maia Ervin
Lioness: Brooke Canan
Lioness: Alianah Rose Whitmore
Lioness: Samantha Mosbrucker
Lioness: Maggie Jane Koning
Lioness: Aubrey Badizadegan
Shenzi: Alannah Lyon
Ed: Anthony Bennett
Banzai: Theo Ueng
Hyena: Iyla Rogers
Hyena: Hannah Kimmel
Hyena: Emily McClelland
Hyena: Elanor Riley
Ensemble: Benjamin Clark
Ensemble: Nicolas Galvez
Ensemble: Linnea Mulkey
Ensemble: Natalya Olsen
Ensemble: Joshua Angel Roberts
Ensemble: Auni Woodside
Ensemble: August Starcevich
Ensemble: Ciara Soto
Ensemble: Tavi Daniel
Ensemble: Qwynn Neilly
Adventure Dates and Times: July 11th - 29th 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Performance Dates and Times: July 28th - 30th at 7:00 pm and July 31st at 2:30 pm