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Corvallis Access Media provides a voice for Corvallis and surrounding communities. Our goal is to connect you to the tools and resources you need to get your message out to the community, whether your interest is in arts, education, social justice, or simply telling the stories that make our city unique. Our primary platform is cable channel 29, with content mirrored on our YouTube channel


CAM lends filmmaking equipment free of charge to community members creating not for profit television, film, and other audio-visual projects. We strive to serve everyone, with an easy enrollment process to access our equipment library. We are also interested in airing your not-for-profit content even if you do not use our equipment. Access is for everyone!


We encourage creators from all experience levels to learn more about our equipment library. We can tailor equipment packages for productions at several different levels. If you are just starting out and want to use your phone but need a tripod and a good microphone, we can help. If you want to use an all-in-one 4K camcorder for audio and video, we have that. If you want to experiment with DSLRs and different lenses, we have that too. If your production needs are more elaborate, we have booms, shotgun mics, lavaliers, gimbals, lights and reflectors, and other tools that can help your project come to life. We also have a limited supply of MacBook Pro computers with Final Cut Pro and DaVinci Resolve if you need an editing platform.


CAM is housed at the Majestic Theatre in downtown Corvallis at 115 SW Second Street.


If you have questions, contact the CAM coordinator ( anytime via email! If you're ready to sign up, click on the form link below.

Borrowing Equipment

How do I get my equipment?

After finishing the checkout application, the CAM coordinator will sign you up with access to the equipment library. We'll also enroll you in our volunteer database in case you want to get involved in other aspects of the Majestic! (And, our volunteer database adds insurance protection and other helpful things to keep the program going.)


Visit the equipment library on the web and put holds on the equipment you want. When you place holds, the CAM Coordinator will be notified and will get in touch with you to set up a pickup time. Generally, we can meet you at the theatre anytime with a day's notice (so we can make sure your equipment is pulled and ready for you).


Our office hours are Wednesday from 2 PM to 5 PM, but let us know if you are coming by to make sure your kit is ready.

Want to suggest a particular piece of equipment that you think would be great? Submit your ideas here!

Gear Library
Submit a Show

Submit a show for airing

Content created using Corvallis Access Media gear will be aired on both Comcast Channel 29 and the CAM Youtube page. Please include a slide before or after your program stating that the program was created with CAM gear. If you are a community member who wishes to sponsor Public, Educational, and Governmental Access media from other communities, please email the CAM Coordinator for more information.

Get involved with the Film Lab

The Film Lab

The Corvallis Film Lab is a collective of volunteers who have the goal of working together to produce films and other media. Involvement is open to all who possess an interest in filmmaking. Experience is not necessary -- the only prerequisite is interest and willingness to participate. So roll up your sleeves, come join us and get the experience! The Film Lab currently meets every third Tuesday from 6:30pm – 8:00pm at the Corvallis Community Center.

CAM Inventory
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The Majestic Theatre is a branch of the City of Corvallis Parks and Recreation Department, dedicated to bringing a wide range of artistic productions and arts education programs to the citizens of Corvallis.

Contact Us

115 SW 2nd St, Corvallis OR 97333


Business Office: 541-758-7827 
Box Office and Ticket Sales: 541-738-7469

Administrative Staff Office Hours
12 PM to 5 PM, Wednesday – Friday

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