Have a question? Available by phone Wed-Fri 12pm-5pm at 541 - 738 - 7469
Email us anytime at mt@corvallisoregon.gov

The Majestic Theatre in Corvallis, Oregon is over110 years old. Originally built as a vaudeville house, it saw many incarnations over the decades before being purchased by the City of Corvallis in 1985 at the behest of a collective effort that spanned thousands of impassioned community members. A non-profit organization, Majestic Theatre Management, ran the building for almost 25 years before turning operations over to the Corvallis Parks and Recreation Department on January 1, 2015.
Today, the Majestic Theatre is one of the flagship cultural centers for Corvallis and its surrounding communities. Our mission is to provide space, support, and development for our local arts and culture entities, which we do by hosting nearly 100 different local organizations and groups. During our current 2023-24 season, we are on track to produce almost 60 different shows and entertainments, seen by almost 25,000 patrons. This work is done primarily by around 500 active volunteers who contribute upwards of 80,000 hours of volunteer service each year as performers, technicians, artists, and other roles that allow our programs to thrive. Our community truly provides all of the magic that makes the Majestic what it is; in addition to their time, they also donated almost $120,000 last year and voted in an operational levy for Parks and Recreation that secured the future of the Majestic into the next decade.
We are one of the artistic hearts of Corvallis.
We are enriching our community and embracing the diversity it holds.
We are Majestic.
Contact us!
Mailing Address: 115 SW 2nd Street Corvallis, OR 97333
Business Office and Administration: 541-758-7827
Box Office and Ticket Sales: 541-738-7469
Box Office
For press information on all events, please contact mt_marketing@corvallisoregon.gov
For Ticket Donation information, email mt@corvallisoregon.gov